At the risk of getting bounced by the Listmeister for an attaboy, I totally agree with Dale about this. Banning the public's cameras is a decision I could only call bizzare. I attended and thoroughly enjoyed last year's show, but if such a rule were published and enforced, I would not attend, even if it were in Houston again, where I live, let alone in San Jose.
Actually, I am a wretched photographer, as anyone who's ever received photos I took can testify, so I probably wouldn't take photos anyway. But the whole idea of banning photos smacks of some sort of control fetish and sets a tone for the event such that I wouldn't want to be associated with it in any way. I'm sure that Don doesn't intend it that way, but I'll bet that a lot of other CR members will have the same reaction I do. As a relative youngster compared to some of us old farts on the list, Don may not realize that many of us are of the hippie generation, and that bicycling "in the day" had some strong counterculture undercurrents. Most of us have since come to terms with the real world, but a lot of us still harbor a pretty strong hostility to anything we perceive as arbitrary authoritarianism, and this is just the kind of action likely to piss us off to an extent that would probably shock those who do not share our generational perspective.
So Don, won't you humor us anti-establishment old geezers, and think better of this decision?
Jerry Moos Houston, TX wrote: << .....Walker opted to not allow the general public?s cameras in the show as a way of maintaining a level of excellence and a positive reflection of the craft and purposefulness of the show. >>
That is an odd decision! Reasoning sounds a little weak to me too. Can't buy into that myself, I wouldn't even come if truly not allowed to take pics... Don, you may want to rethink that one unless there's some monetary angle you are not stating?
Dale Brown
cycles de ORO, Inc
1410 Mill Street
Greensboro, NC 27408 USA