i forgot about the panto'd pedals! matt's right, those are missing. and steven correctly points out the cone nut on the brake calipers are not correct for 1983 - but the levers are definitely correct for the 30th anniversary gruppo. maybe matt can tell us what kind of calipers and levers his gruppo has.
ray dobbins
miami florida
> This bike and description are all wrong! The 30th anniversary was not
\r?\n> 1988, but rather 1983.The 35th anniversary bike had gold plated
\r?\n> C-Record componentry that was platedby acompnay that specializes in
\r?\n> plating religious artifacts. Ernesto claims they were the only ones
\r?\n> able to do an adequate job. The frame is newer than 1983, so the
\r?\n> gruppo is not correct to it. As already mentioned by Ray, the brake
\r?\n> levers are not correct in my opinion. I also believe the brake
\r?\n> calipers to be incorrect too as they have the later domed nuts, but I
\r?\n> may be wrong here. I, like Ray, feel that the price is completely out
\r?\n> of line with reality, but hey, it never hurts asking.
\r?\n> --
\r?\n> Steven Maasland
\r?\n> Moorestown, NJ, USA