Dear Listmembers,
Looks like this might actually be useful. Thanks for posting the info.
I've had Tour Magasin bookmarked for some time, but when I look at it, I always seem to end up with an article that belabors the obvious or just points me towards something to buy. Not terribly useful. So, maybe this is a change in the right direction; hope so.
Steve Maas Dublin, Ireland
------------------------------------------------------------------ Dale has kindly allowed me to post this little piece of Advertisement here; thanks again!
The Forum of the german magazine "Tour" has opened a section dedicated to the classic racing bike. The "Tour Forum" is the largest BB for racing bikes and bike racing in the german language, it has currently over 10.000 registered Users and close to 1Mio postings.
You can find the "Klassiker Forum" at
The board has no dedicated timeline (yet), but has a similar goal as the "classic rendezvous" mailing list. It only opened this week's monday, but it already has a few interesting threads.
It is german language, although i suspect many participants also can understand and write english as well. As far as i'm aware of, this is the first such forum in the german language.
So for those of you who can read german, it may well be worth a visit! :-)
thank you,
Martin Appel
Munich, Germany
"martl" at the tour forum