I'm Jim Newell from Baltimore.
Last summer, 2004, I got bit by the bug in a big way.
I used to take two basket cases, make one serviceable bike,
and give it to a Boy Scout so he could work on the merit badge.
But, I never did much for myself.
I have refurbished four bikes in a more serious way: (sizes are c-c)
#1 is a 63cm Clark Wamsley (lives in Morgantown, WV) and he made
bikes in earlier days with 531 tubes. Got some replacement decals from
#2 is a 67cm Soma from the Japanese era. It was 1040 steel, a monster.
It turned out nice, but a bit heavy. Tange fork.
#3 is a pre-1976, 63cm, Dawes that has beautiful lugs. Had it painted by
The Color Factory in NJ. It's a 531 in chocolate brown; lugs highlighted
in red.
#4 is a 67.5cm Fuji made of VALite tubing by Ishiwata. It's all black.
The rims are black; the brakes are black; the post is black; the stem is
the bars & wrap are black; the cranks are black.
If you are curious about these bikes and/or their parts, use the
following link:
Jim Newell
Baltimore MD USA
Cycling Merit Badge Counsellor