I'm going to try and establish a more comprehensive Colnago Super timeline than what is in the archives so far. Has someone already done this and if yes, please post; if not, please add your two cents and I will consolidate into as comprehensive a timeline as possible.
Here's what we have in the archives:
> 1973, earlier....multiple lugs have clubs cutout
> 1974 only lower headtube lug has club cutout; circles in fork tang
> 1975 only lower headtube lug has club cutout; clubs in fork tang
> Any 1974 or earlier Colnagos with clubs in the fork tangs?"
Please fill in and reply back - off line is suggested as that way I can consolidate the info and present one large chunk for further debate, clarification, etc.
Lugs: 1973 & earlier: club cutouts in the top of the seat and both head lugs 1974 on: club cutout only in the top of lower headlug. Did the shape of this club cutout change? Any other lug changes?
Fork Crown: 197? & earlier: Two small round holes drilled on each side of the crown and plain on the tops. 197? - 197?: No holes in side of crown & club forged into the top of both sides of the crown 197? & forward: As above but with "COLNAGO" also forged into the top of both sides of the crown. Did the shape of this club ever change? Were the crowns always chromed? Any other crown changes?
Fork Tangs: 1974 & earlier: Two round holes in each tang w/ the upper hole larger than the lower one. 1975 - 19??: One club cutout in each tang. Did the shape of this club ever change? Any other tang changes?
Seat Stay Caps: 197? and earlier: Plain fluted, ?.?" length 197? - 197?: Plain fluted, ?.? length (I think the length changed) 19?? - 19??: Fluted with "COLNAGO" cast along the flute length. Any other seat stay cap changes?
Rear Brake Bridge: 197? and earlier: round tube w/brazed on washer (facing the brake caliper), reinforced at seat stays, for nutted brake bolts. 19?? - 19??: round with square/cube area that accepts recessed brake bolt, (did this have a club in the top?). Any other brake bridge changes?
Braze On's: 197? & earlier: none except chain stay derailleur cable stop 197? - 197?: Above plus over BB cable guides 197? - 197?: Above plus shift lever mounts 197? - 197?: Above plus one set DT water bottle mounts 19?? - 19??: Above plus ST water bottle mounts 19?? - 19??: Above plus two TT brake cable guides
Decals: ???
Chrome: ???
What else am I missing? Please be patient with me consolidating and reporting back depending on number of replies I get and work/family craziness.
Eric Elman
Somers, CT USA