Re: [CR]Reynolds Tubing and English/French/Italian

(Example: Bike Shops)

Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 13:23:42 -0800
From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Reynolds Tubing and English/French/Italian
References: <>

Ray Green wrote:
> (snip)
>The only Italian I can think of in common usage is Tifosi and Gregario although when one of my feeble break-away attempts on a clun run is reeled in I announce "gruppo compato".
> But Italian has provided the all time classic cycling phrase "Uno homo solo commando" Apparently used by the radio commentator as Coppi topped the Stelvio alone. Magic. (sorry if I've abused Italian)
> Ray Green Brighton England

Ray, Out here in SoCal we like to use Italian phrases for fun during group training rides. For instance you might hear someone yell "PIANO, PIANO!" at some bonehead hammering off the front on an easy day. Oh yeah, and it has to be with the accent and hand gestures too... Si, si!

Chuckissimo Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California
