[CR]Fw: Baldy Ride Update--SoCal riders take note!

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2007)

From: "ternst" <ternst1@cox.net>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 09:55:14 -0800
Subject: [CR]Fw: Baldy Ride Update--SoCal riders take note!

----- Original Message -----
From: ternst
To: "C. Andrews"
Cc: Tonythreerings@aol.com

Maasland" <StevenMaasland@comcast.net>; "Steve Maas" <stevem@nonlintec.com>; "Sterling" <sterling@tns.net>; "scott smith" <giant.leap@sbcglobal.net>; "SCOTT RAMSAY" <sdramsay@msn.com>; "Scott Ramsay" <masiman@bellsouth.net>; <Philcycles@aol.com>; "Marc Boral" <mbikealive@yahoo.com>; <losgatos_dale@yahoo.com>; "Joe Bell" <joebell@cox.net>; "Jim Cunningham" <Jim@CyclArt.com>; "Jan Johnson" <picabo58@earthlink.net>; "Jan Johnson" <picabo58@yahoo.com>; "Jack Gabus" <jack@shermangabus.com>; "jack bissell" <jack_bissell@mac.com>; <InchPitch@aol.com>; "Guy Apple" <cinelliguy@earthlink.net>; <greg@fletcher.net>; "Greg & Darlene Pitman" <gpit@ix.netcom.com>; "Deeter, Lou" <lou.deeter@L-3com.com>; "Deeter, Lou" <Lou.Deeter@CRC.COM>; "Deeter, Louis" <LDeeter@quantum-intl.com>; "dave martinez" <dmart84815@yahoo.com>; "Chris Kostman / AdventureCORPS" <outthere@adventurecorps.com>; <brianbaylis@juno.com>; <BobHoveyGa@aol.com>; <b.b.simon@att.net>; <afoste2@lausd.k12.ca.us>; "Rob O'Callaghan" <rocalla1@san.rr.com>; "Rick Rivas" <e_macias@email.msn.com>; "Rich Pinder" <rpinder@usc.edu>; <res70hvv@verizon.net>; "Asphalt Magazine" <info@asphaltmag.com>; <bikenut@verizon.net>; "Brian Ignatin" <bahnhaus@earthlink.net>; <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>; "Dave Ductor" <dave.ductor@verizon.net>; "Derek Willburn" <morganx9@yahoo.com>; <designzero@earthlink.net>; "Duane Kennard" <d.kennard@adelphia.net>; "Jay Van De Velde" <jaysportif@yahoo.com>; "Matthew Gorski" <reneherse@yahoo.com>; <paulieflt@aol.com>; "Tam Pham" <tam@tampham.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 9:35 AM Subject: Re: Baldy Ride Update--SoCal riders take note!

> The ride is great! Enjoy and be Safe!
> Don't forget to pack the correct layers and windbreakers,
> perhaps gloves and leggings for the trip down.
> Once your bodies are nice and warm from going up, you will be very
> vulnerable to getting a chill on the descent.
> Now is not the time to get sick because of irrational exhuberance.
> Watch the downhill speed and turns, also. Reaction time when cold or
> bundled up is impaired.
> Have fun, get back hearty and hale so we can read about the the great
> ride.
> Ted Ernst
> Pal;os Verdes Estates, CA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "C. Andrews" <chasds@mindspring.com>
> To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Cc: <Tonythreerings@aol.com>; "Tom Sanders" <tsan7759142@attbi.com>;
> "ternst" <ternst1@cox.net>; "Steven Maasland"
> <StevenMaasland@comcast.net>; "Steve Maas" <stevem@nonlintec.com>;
> "Sterling" <sterling@tns.net>; "scott smith" <giant.leap@sbcglobal.net>;
> "SCOTT RAMSAY" <sdramsay@msn.com>; "Scott Ramsay" <masiman@bellsouth.net>;
> <Philcycles@aol.com>; "Marc Boral" <mbikealive@yahoo.com>;
> <losgatos_dale@yahoo.com>; "Joe Bell" <joebell@cox.net>; "Jim Cunningham"
> <Jim@CyclArt.com>; "Jan Johnson" <picabo58@earthlink.net>; "Jan Johnson"
> <picabo58@yahoo.com>; "Jack Gabus" <jack@shermangabus.com>; "jack bissell"
> <jack_bissell@mac.com>; <InchPitch@aol.com>; "Guy Apple"
> <cinelliguy@earthlink.net>; <greg@fletcher.net>; "Greg & Darlene Pitman"
> <gpit@ix.netcom.com>; "Deeter, Lou" <lou.deeter@L-3com.com>; "Deeter, Lou"
> <Lou.Deeter@CRC.COM>; "Deeter, Louis" <LDeeter@quantum-intl.com>; "dave
> martinez" <dmart84815@yahoo.com>; "Chris Kostman / AdventureCORPS"
> <outthere@adventurecorps.com>; <brianbaylis@juno.com>;
> <BobHoveyGa@aol.com>; <b.b.simon@att.net>; <afoste2@lausd.k12.ca.us>; "Rob
> O'Callaghan" <rocalla1@san.rr.com>; "Rick Rivas" <e_macias@email.msn.com>;
> "Rich Pinder" <rpinder@usc.edu>; <res70hvv@verizon.net>; "Asphalt
> Magazine" <info@asphaltmag.com>; <bikenut@verizon.net>; "Brian Ignatin"
> <bahnhaus@earthlink.net>; <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>; "Dave Ductor"
> <dave.ductor@verizon.net>; "Derek Willburn" <morganx9@yahoo.com>;
> <designzero@earthlink.net>; "Duane Kennard" <d.kennard@adelphia.net>; "Jay
> Van De Velde" <jaysportif@yahoo.com>; "Matthew Gorski"
> <reneherse@yahoo.com>; <paulieflt@aol.com>; "Tam Pham" <tam@tampham.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 10:04 AM
> Subject: Baldy Ride Update--SoCal riders take note!
>> Our little ride to Baldy Village is looking good! Weather
>> is forecast to be partly cloudy and cool. Perfect!
>> I've checked with several agencies, including the Forest
>> Rangers (who have to be told about road closures), and
>> Glendora Mountain Road will be open to the usual bicycle-
>> and foot-traffic.
>> One of the great things about this ride is that the entire
>> climb is car-free! Glendora Mountain Road is closed to
>> motorized traffic!
>> The ride from the base of Glendora Mountain Road to Baldy
>> Village is among the most scenic in Southern California
>> (it's one of Chris Kostman's favorite rides...although he'd
>> probably start from Pacoima..<g> )...
>> I hope to see a bunch of SoCal CR list members. So far the
>> crew includes:
>> Jack Bissell
>> Charles Andrews
>> Chuck Schmidt
>> Matt Gorski
>> Joe Decruyenaere and friend
>> Sterling Peters
>> Brian Baylis
>> Will Handsfield
>> Davis Jensen
>> Hey, John Morrison, you coming?
>> The ride starts at Pioneer Park in Azusa, on the corner of
>> Sierra Madre and Dalton. Mapquest will show the way. The
>> ride will leave as close to 10am as we can manage. It's
>> pretty much an all-day affair. We'll ride up to Baldy
>> Village, then straight down Baldy Road. We'll have a late
>> lunch in Claremont. The entire ride is about 40 miles, or a
>> little under, 22 miles of climbing up to the Village, a long
>> down hill, and otherwise flat.
>> If you're concerned about the ride being difficult, don't
>> be. The initial climb up Glendora Mountain road is
>> challenging, but if you come with the right alpine gears,
>> it's no big deal. The rest of the ride is a series of long
>> switchbacks at a very slight grade. Some will do it in a
>> hurry, others (like me) will be bog-slow, so don't worry
>> about being left behind... We regroup at various places
>> along the route for pictures and socializing. Bring a
>> camera.
>> See you there!
>> Charles Andrews
>> SoCal
>> Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in
>> a
>> finite world is either a madman
>> or an economist.
>> --Kenneth Boulding