[CR]Re: Whats correct on Carlsbad Masi's

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PX-10LE)

From: "scott goldsmith" <sg8357@getcoactive.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 15:24:42 -0500
Organization: CoActive Marketing
Thread-Index: AcX/Vr/LCSQ4+b+aQgKhoH7rpb//LwAAYDEQ
In-Reply-To: <MONKEYFOODTZYooGuzU00001cf2@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>
Subject: [CR]Re: Whats correct on Carlsbad Masi's

> Reply-To: kurt@fineartscrimshaw.com
> Thus every little
> mom and pop store carries bags of wine corks for this purpose.
> I suspect the
> easy availability of corks in bulk contributed to their use as bar
> plugs.
> Kurt Sperry Bellingham WA

And hence the availability of the Campagnolo bar plug remover in portable(team car) and home versions, and you thought it was just for wine.

Now the question is has anyone used a Velox bar plug to preserve the wine for the 'morrow ?

Scott Goldsmith
Milford, Ohio
Where it is Nokian weather.