RE: [CR]Now: Fully Campy Peugeot Was: Ssssspeedster's Masi & Proper TwinPlateResto)

(Example: Bike Shops)

From: <"">
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 15:28:18 -0500
Subject: RE: [CR]Now: Fully Campy Peugeot Was: Ssssspeedster's Masi & Proper TwinPlateResto)

Original Message: ----------------- From: Chuck Schmidt Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 12:10:30 -0800 To: Subject: [CR]Now: Fully Campy Peugeot Was: Ssssspeedster's Masi & Proper TwinPlateResto)

"Hope you're sitting down Peter...

In 1983 and '84 Peugeot sold a model in Europe and the USA called the PZ 10 and PZ 10 D that was full Campagnolo (Record, Nuovo Record and Super Record mix of parts) with Cinelli bars and stem!!!

Frame was Reynolds 531 with long point lugs:

I don't know what other years the full Campy PZ 10 was offered, anyone know? "Tous Francaise" indeed!!!

Anyone else have info?

Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Soutern California"

I just know when my body is found slumped over my keyboard from a massive coronary, there will be this CR List posting by Chuck still on the screen. ..

But.. and I am off the hook (barely).... is this not off topic in the CR List Timeline?? Say it is because an all Campy Peugeot is enough to ma ke me lobby that we set 1982 as the cut-off! It's just an appalling concept. W hat could they have been thinking?

So you see, "spec lists" are hardly boring. My favourite is the '75 Rale igh Team Pro with a 3ttt Record stem (which I love) mated to a GB anodised Mae s Bend handlebar (which I also love). And yep, that's what I've fitted min e with. Who could have come up with that improbable combination? And if you want to see "we'll put on it what we like", check out the spec sheets for Claud Butlers and Holdsworths over the years for their machines offered as

complete bikes.

Peter Kohler Washington DC USA

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