I bought a 1980 Bob Jackson touring bike from a guy on Craigslist in San Francisco. I had to go to SF on business, so I met the guy, paid, took the boxed-up bike and shipped it to myself in Michigan. I have been slowly cleaning and reassembling it. It was the dirtiest bike I have ever dealt with. Finally nearing completion, I reinstalled the seatpost binder bolt, greased the seatpost, stuck it in, but found that the binder bolt bottoms out before it gets a grip on the post.
Possibilities seem to be:
Wrong size binder bolt. This is a generic Campy knock-off with 5mm allen holes on both sides. Do they come in lengths?
Seatpost is too small for the seat tube. Does anyone know what size the seatpost should be? I do not have a calipers, so I cannot measure either the post or the hole. I am hoping the post is labelled.
Marcus Helman
Huntington Woods, MI