[CR]Montelatici Was: VINTAGE WHEELS

(Example: Framebuilders:Bernard Carré)

Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2005 22:24:57 -0800
From: "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
To: CLASSIC RENDEZVOUS <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
References: <42633FDE.4040600@pacbell.net>
Subject: [CR]Montelatici Was: VINTAGE WHEELS

Bob Freitas wrote:
> I had a wonderful day today playing bike mechanic. I am
> assembling the MONTELATICI which is going to CIRC with me (I think I am
> getting excited about this)

Small world: I was riding up the Arroyo Seco yesterday (location where Plein Air painting was pursued around the turn of the century and hot bed of the Craftsman Movement in SoCal too... inspirational) and caught up to a guy riding a... (wait for it)... MONTELATICI!!!

I figured he must be a CR list member and intro'd myself. Nope! Never heard of the CR list and he had bought his bike new in Florence (FIRENZA!) as a student in 1971!!! He said in all the thirty-four years that he had owned the bike that he had never met anyone who had ever even HEARD of the bike (now you have me typing with all caps, NITRO BOB!).

I told him I knew at least five or six people in the USA that were riding Montelaticis courtesy of Teo Brandi and told him of what I remembered of the postings on the CR list of the shop in Florence where he bought his bike and the connection to Cino Cinelli & C.

What fun!!! And he promised to come to the next Rose Bowl vintage ride with his tutto ORIGINALI Montelatici!!!

Ain't Life Beautiful?!?!?!

Chuck (a little too much vino tonite at daughter's 35th birthday party) Schmidt South Beautiful Pasadena, Southern Beautiful California
