There has been some mention of a Hobbs Blue Ribband tandem on the list of late. Personally having done a lot of tandeming I would highly recommend this maker if you are looking for a superior postwar tandem. Also very worthy of consideration are R.O.Harrison and F.W.Evans. I personally think this was tandem building at its zenith, the postwar years 45 to early 60's. Now I know there are some makers who I haven't mentioned but I think these three are the tops. I am not alone in this assumption as two very well known builders I know would agree with this statement. I can feel the Butler and Taylor boys shaking there heads in disbelief! Oh and if you are looking prewar Russ and GA slightly later Selbach and Holdsworth. 1938-39 R.O.H and Butler.
Oil up! Frank Ellingford London UK