Re: [CR]Holdsworth bolt-on tricycle kit

(Example: Component Manufacturers)

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From: "Douglas Grant" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Holdsworth bolt-on tricycle kit
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 03:58:54 -0400

On Jun 9, 2005, at 11:39 PM, wrote:
> In a message dated 6/9/2005 9:42:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Somebody on the iBOB list says he found a bike in a junk pile which
> has a
> Holdsworth bolt-on tricycle kit installed. He was wondering if it has
> any
> value. I don't know anything about these kits, so I don't know what
> to tell him.
> Can anybody jump in and give some advice? I'm willing to forward any
> andice
> or suggestions. >>
> Hmmm. I always wonder about statements like this guy made...
> What does he mean, "Does it have any value?"
> Doesn't he really mean, "How much can I get for it?"

Or maybe he is just starting as a collector and wants to know what is worth collecting and what is not. He could have a spouse that gets upset wen he brings home his "junk" and uses the ideas he bounces off everyone on mailing lists to justify his purchase to her.
> He damn well knows it has some value and he is working you (& I) to
> find out.

Is there a better list to get this information?
> Tell him to put it on eBay and he will then know it's worth (and leave
> me
> alone. Ha!)

What would be the point of selling something he finds interesting?
> Better yet, tell him it's worth $3500.00.

He would probably know better :)

> Dale "Grumpy at being milked for pecuniary acquisition purposes" Brown
> Greensboro, NC USA
> _______________________________________________

Doug "The used bike flim flam man" Grant Detroit, MI

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