RE: [CR]Benetfinks

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Cinelli)

From: "Mick Butler" <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Benetfinks
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 10:23:20 +0000

Hello Phil, A.W.Gamage was at 116-128 Holborn, London, E.C.1. Practically opposite to the old Daily Mirror building now Sainsbury's. This is called Holborn Circus, you might have heard of "Old Holborn" rolling tobacco well this is just up the road, the Tudor Half timbered house are a famous London landmark, that's why the tobacco firm use it as a trademark on their tin. If you don't want to look and sound like a tourist pronounce Holborn as Hoburn. If visiting this is very close to Chancery Lane tube station and Condors. The whole area of Cheapside, Holborn and Holborn Viaduct were once the hub of the British and London cycling industry, most had showrooms here. This lasted up until the 1920's after which they gradually vacated the area. Benetfinks and Gamages were both located at 107 Cheapside, this was Gamages smaller second store. Mostly Benetfinks were built by the Metropolitan Machinists Company, Fawley Road, Tottenham who also supplied Gamages. If they were connected I don't honestly know as Gamages were the first departmental stores to sub let their store floor space to other firms, he was very astute and innovative. Benetfinks were typicaly named City Club or City Sports. All their models carried City as part of the name. Gamages, Selfridges and Whiteleys all our big famous London Department stores had their own brand name of bicycles. If you want a Benetfink advert scan I can send one. The link under tells you all you want to know about Gamages. Wonderful store I really miss it.
>From where the wheels don't spin as fast as they use to. Be lucky Michael Butler Huntingdon UK.

>From: Philip Easton <>
>Subject: [CR]Benetfinks
>Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 18:35:34 -0700
>Hi All, A couple of days ago someone posted a query re Benetfink bicycles,
>and the answer mentioned a connection to Gamages Department Store, High
>Holborn, London. The following address confirms a connection between these
>companies TTFN, Phil
>Easton, Cambria, California