RE: [CR]If one had to have only one road bike

(Example: Production Builders)

From: "Robert D. Dayton,Jr." <>
To: "'Nick Zatezalo'" <>, "'Tom Sanders'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: [CR]If one had to have only one road bike
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 21:17:43 -0400
In-reply-to: <>
Thread-index: AcZouZquEu/cVxQnT12JRWYbaSIQ4gAFU81w

I'm partial to the British builders. If I could only have one it would be my Roberts.

Rob Dayton Charlotte,NC USA

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Nick Zatezalo Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 6:43 PM To: Tom Sanders; Subject: Re: [CR]If one had to have only one road bike

I have 4 favorites from across the globe:


Nagasawa Strada Special {Purchased after Sanders bought the Sachs.. we both won on that deal}


Tommasini {IMHO...the most underated builder in the world}

United States

Twin mid '80s Richard Sachs Signatures.{One with Super Record and the other with Shimano 9 speed gear}

All of the above meet my aesthetic for uncomplicated Italian style and very stable road manners.

Nick Zatezalo Atlanta,Ga.

-----Original Message-----

>From: Tom Sanders <>

>Sent: Apr 25, 2006 3:25 PM


>Subject: [CR]If one had to have only one road bike


>John Jorgenson wrote "Everyone probably has that ONE bike, are still

>searching for it, or scouting to recapture a sister of it." and then he

>wonders what others would select. Fortunately most of us don't have to

>only one...thank goodness bikes are relatively inexpensive...even world

>class ones.

>I am fortunate enough that Nick Zatezalo years ago sold me my all time

>bike and I still have it. When I die, you folks can pry my cold dead

>fingers from my Richard Sachs 25 Ann. Reproduction. It just seems to me to

>ride and handle better than any other bike I have ever found and provide a

>level of comfort and speed I can achieve on no other bike. It is also eye

>candy, a real consideration for one as shallow as myself. Thank you Nick.

>Now given the fact that I have maintained that one can have more than

> trusty old '81 Peter Mooney rests securely in 2nd place. Until

>last month this was the least expensive bike I have bought in years.

>Sometimes after a long ride on it my face aches from smiling so much. It

>doesn't get much better than that.

>These two bikes mark both the most expensive and the least expensive of the

>many bikes that have went through my hands in recent years. How odd that

>they should both be right at the top of my riding enjoyment. I have other

>bikes that I dearly love, but when a long ride beckons...these are that two

>that I will just about always reach for. Obviously, it is not about how

>much money you spend on that elusive bike of one's dreams.

>Tom Sanders

>Lansing, Mi