Re: [CR]Re: Picture of Harry Quinn?

(Example: History:Ted Ernst)

Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 09:32:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Peter Naiman" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Picture of Harry Quinn?
To: Mitch Harris <>, Doug Fattic <>
In-Reply-To: <>
cc: "" <>

Mitch; I wrote Doug back later, and will research a lab around here or in Chicago. Doug is very close to South Bend, so I'll do a Google search for South Bend as well. The old negatives if well cared for would be no problem, but if not stored properly, I'm just hoping they didn't fade or get brittle with age, but by 1978 film technology and quality was fine, so the negatives may be fine. I wish I still had my dark room set up as I would have been able to do the prints for Doug, but went over to digital years ago.

Peter Naiman Glendale, WI

Mitch Harris <> wrote: Like Peter said, I'd find a good photo lab that specializes in black and white--I assume the negatives are B&W? If so they should last well but need special care from an experienced lab if they are that old. If they are colo r negs that old then they need really careful handling.

What a great camera, too.

I'd love to see that photo of (perhaps) R. J. Quinn or photos of the shop i f you have any, when ever you get around to posting, to shed light on the lat e 70s R.J.Quinn I bought last Fall near Liverpool. The R.J.Quinn decals on th e frame and rims show a Liverpool address for the shop--was there one in Leed s too?

--Mitch Harris Little Rock Canyon, Utah

On 5/14/06, Doug Fattic wrote:
> I got the bright idea last night to find the negatives (35mm prints) of
> pictures I took at various framebuilding shops in England in 1975 and 197 8
> on my Leica M2 with a 50mm pull out lens. This camera was old in 75 but
> took great pictures of course. My prints that weren't on Kodak paper had
> gotten brown and curled and generally ugly. Besides they were 3 X 5 and I
> was having a hard time finding plastic protectors to put them into a 3
> ring
> binder album. To my surprise, one now new 4 X 6 picture that came from
> these negatives - that I don't ever remember seeing before - was of some
> British builder with a nice smile holding his brazing torch while
> pretending
> to work on a fork. The options are either Harry Quinn or one of his
> brothers at R.J. Quinn in Leeds. There is also a slight possibility it i s
> Jim Harrison in Manchester.
> When I was at Briggs, I made several trips over the Pennines to Mancheste r
> to talk to Ida Berry about the framebuilding equipment of her late
> husband.
> On one of those trips, I went on to Liverpool to visit the Quinns. I
> remember well my visit with Harry but I also remember not wanting to
> intrude
> too much with picture taking. So does anyone have a picture on line of
> Harry? The mystery guy I have a picture of looks a lot like one of the
> R.J.
> Quinn brothers only taller. I do have a good picture of one of Harry's
> brothers with a young apprentice. So it is possible it is the other
> brother
> at RJ if it isn't Harry.
> When I was in Manchester I also took the opportunity to visit Jim
> Harrison.
> I discovered he had the same birthday as mine so there is a possibility m y
> mystery photo is of him. However, I don't remember taking a picture of
> him.
> And another question to the list members that have photo knowledge. I
> took
> these negatives up to the Walgreen's just up the street from me and used
> their 1 hour service. While the prints are a huge improvement over the
> old,
> they are also grainy. It provided quick satisfaction but isn't the final
> solution. Since these pictures have framebuilding historic value I'd lik e
> to sometime get better pictures developed from these old negatives and
> also
> put them on a CD so they can be shared electronically. Any suggestions o f
> where I can get this done to a higher quality?
> By the way, among my negatives I had reprinted, are pictures of my visit
> in
> 1978 to the Raleigh works before O'Donovan inconveniently came back and
> kicked me out and of inside the Ellis Briggs frame shop.
> Thanks,
> Doug Fattic
> Niles, Michigan.