[CR]Final words on "Hybole" in salesmanship.

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli)

Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2006 19:55:04 -0400
From: <oroboyz@aol.com>
In-Reply-To: <C0D047C0.287B%plopes@adelphia.net>
To: plopes@adelphia.net, cherrycycle1@yahoo.co.uk
cc: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Final words on "Hybole" in salesmanship.

I sort of agree awith you guys more or less. But If I didn't say something additional, that would be an against-the-rules "Attaboy" wouldn't it? There are extreme cases in which For Sale or For Auction test the limits of patience.. (not Frank's or my ads!) IMO, the emphasis in peoples For Sale adverts should be placed on: - providing clinically accurate & supportable truthfulness - not shooting the bull - not elaborating to a nauseating degree - not stating the obvious to the point that potential buyers are turned off.

Should people be able to do whatever they very well please? I guess so..

Is it an unpleasant experience to read such adverts? Absolutely yes...

Does it belong on Ebay and not here? Yes again.

Dale Brown cycles de ORO, Inc. 1410 Mill Street Greensboro, NC 27408 USA 336-274-5959 http://www.cyclesdeoro.com http://www.classicrendezvous.com Giant, Specialized, Orbea, Bianchi, Felt, Litespeed, Landshark, Colnago, Townie and other exotica. National Bicycle Dealers Association Board member

-----Original Message----- From: Perry Lopez <plopes@adelphia.net> To: wilc <cherrycycle1@yahoo.co.uk>; oroboyz@aol.com Cc: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Sent: Tue, 4 Jul 2006 16:28:48 -0700 Subject: Re: [CR] More of Was: DeRosa for sale... Now: Sappy superlatives bring out brouhaha.

Hi All,

I have to agree with Willie on this one as well.

Zerran Sierra Madre, CA 100 degrees and very dry

On 7/4/06 4:22 PM, "wilc" <cherrycycle1@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> DALE ,HI , going to add my two pennies worth, what is really so wrong
> here???, surely a guy can describe his property in whatever way he so desires
> using whatever workspeak way he thinks will add to his sale AS LONG AS ITS
> ACCURATE, ....
> .you don't like it, so look past it
> . come on guys, De Rosa in whatever clothes is still a soul machine and KOF
> cut the guy some slack... ?
> willie carton ,coleraine northern ireland... where its now 22 deg and sultry.
> oroboyz@aol.com wrote: Hi ho Frank:
> Great point, I agree perhaps I was a bit over-enthusiastic in my Magni
> sale description! However, I will defend what I said as being accurate,
> if some what wordy. But I agree that wordiness that be a bit obnoxious
> too! Ha!
> To get technical with your sale description;
> You said "truly unique" and that is conjecture on your part. While you
> may have never seen another of that description, you could have more
> accurately said; "I haven't seen another like it", rather that flatly
> stating it was "truly unique".
> In addition, you wrote "...fully lugged with the famous and revered
> DeRosa lugs." Revered? OK... but a bit hyperbolic, IMO.
> All of this should not be taken too seriously, except that sellers
> should not be surprised if readers get a bit peevish when we hammer the
> advertising with too heavy blows! I certainly will be more careful with
> my writing! I hope you will too.
> Cheers,
> Dale
> Dale Brown
> Greensboro, NC USA
> http://www.classicrendezvous.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Retrofan531
> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
> Sent: Tue, 4 Jul 2006 17:16:03 -0500
> Subject: [CR]RE: FS: 54cm DeRosa Super Prestige frame and fork
> SNIPPED: 2. Frank does distinctly engage in hyperbole in his For Sale
> notice, the forced superlatives of which might be appropriate for the
> less
> sophisticated Ebay customer, but are a bit hard to take here on the
> CR-list.
> Maybe a bit less hype would encourage fewer retorts? :)
> Dale Brown
> Greensboro, NC USA
> http://www.classicrendezvous.com
> ================
> Dale,
> While this is your list and I am but a free-loading guest, I would
> attempt
> to have this same discussion if we were face-to-face.
> You state that I "distinctly engage in hyperbole in his For Sale
> notice, the
> forced superlatives of which might be appropriate for the less
> sophisticated
> Ebay customer, but are a bit hard to take here on the CR-list. Maybe a
> bit
> less hype would encourage fewer retorts? :)"
> I stated in the listing "What an opportunity to own a truly unique
> frameset!". As stated earlier, I have never in my many years of bike
> interest seen a DeRosa Super Prestige painted in this exact color
> scheme,
> and evidently neither has my more esteemed fellow list member Lou Deeter
> (who by the way used to have a red white and blue Spectrum he rode on
> the
> 4th of July).
> Dale, perhaps you could do me a favor and point out to me what portion
> of
> this for sale listing is hyperbole, which is defined as "an extravagant
> exaggeration used as a figure of speech." Is this the sentence, "What an
> opportunity to own a truly unique frameset!", that you refer to as the
> "hyperbole"? If so, where is the extravagant exaggeration in that
> statement?
> I dare say there is less salesmanship in my listing than in your very
> own
> recent for sale listing for a Magni-Ferrari where you claimed "This is a
> very desirable, infrequently seen, top model from Switzerland in
> splendid,
> verging on showroom condition. Workmanship, dare I say, superior to
> many if
> not most marques discussed here on the CR? Please look at the photos.
> With a
> little spit & polish, this could be a Concours winner as well."
> I am not criticizing your choice of words for your for sale posting, as
> I be
> lieve it is through our descriptions of our bikes that the passion we
> have
> for these older lugged bikes shows so strongly, but perhaps "hyperbole"
> is
> in the eye of the beholder.
> While I am on this topic, let me say that Maaslands's comment seemed to
> me
> to serve no positive purpose. If he had a question as to what I saw in
> this
> DeRosa that made it unique, he could have sent me an e-mail rather than
> just
> posting a snippy note to the list. Or, he could have at least copied me
> on
> the note asking for me to provide my rationale, but he didn't do that
> either. Absent that, I replied on-list and now you replied on-list and
> now I
> am replying on-list, all probably to the benefit of nobody. Maybe we
> can all
> agree that if we have a question about someone's choice of words, we
> could
> contact them privately for an explanation.
> Frank Phillips
> McAlester, OK
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