Re: [CR]WTB gold simplex shifters

(Example: Framebuilders:Brian Baylis)

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From: "Steve Leitgen" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]WTB gold simplex shifters
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 08:48:16 -0500
To: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>

I was curious about Simplex fitting a standard brazed on mount. Soooooo......

I pulled the gold Simplex retro friction shifter off a clamp on and tried to put it on a brazed on fitting that used to have a campy record lever.

THEY DON'T FIT AT ALL. ID on the lever was quite a bit smaller than the brazed on post. Didn't bother to try the friction bolt.

So before you try to hammer a Simplex retro on to a fitting remember that it sure looks like you need a Simplex specific braze on.

Steve Leitgen La Crosse, WI

On Jul 12, 2006, at 9:24 PM, Jerome & Elizabeth Moos wrote:
> Maybe I'm recalling wrong here but I believe all of the brazeon
> Retrofrictions work with Campy brazeon bosses. I believe the
> problem was that the thread on the brazeon bosses it not the same
> as on the clampons. That is, the posts integrated into the old
> Simplex clamps are threaded different than Campy-compatible brazeon
> bosses. Thus, if you want to convert brazeon to clampon or vice
> versa, you have to find fixng bolts with the correct thread. I've
> usually been able to use stainless steel socket head bolts from
> better hardware stores. Now it's possible some of the older
> brazeon versions are for Simplex brazeons with the same thread a
> Simplex clamps, I just haven't run into this yet.
> BTW, I finally found an actual use for the old crappy Simplex
> plastic Prestige shift levers. The levers are crap, but the clamps
> are fairly nice, with the Simplex logo. Throw away the levers and
> use the clamp to convert Retrofriction brazeon to clampon.
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Big Spring, TX
> stephen fredette <> wrote:
> the retrofriction ones. for braze-on. do these work with modern
> shifter braze on posts?
> i had a pair of the silver ones with the slid levers with the stars
> on them,
> and they wouldn't work. switching to the more common lever ones did.
> yr obdt svt
> Stephen Fredette
> Hull, Massachusetts