[CR] RE: WAS 27.2 post won't fit - NOW- What are frames really made of?

(Example: Framebuilding:Restoration)

Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: [CR] RE: WAS 27.2 post won't fit - NOW- What are frames really made of?
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 14:22:34 -0700
Thread-Topic: [CR] RE: WAS 27.2 post won't fit - NOW- What are frames really made of?
Thread-Index: AcawMHHL0tKeoYvwSlCvx1UJ7Jn2Kg==
From: "KO Kevin" <kko@ci.springfield.or.us>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>

Now how many Columbus SL frames have you seen that take a 26.4 post, especially Italian one's of this era? Which begs the question, does this frame really have a Columbus SL seat tube?

I'm guessing that your frame had a SL down tube in the seat tube position. Down tubes were butted at both ends, and if used as a seat tube, would require a smaller diameter seat post to fit the butted end. Which begs the question, if the DT was used in the ST position, is the single-butted ST in the DT position?

Kevin Ko
Eugene, OR