Not "Fish mouth lug: Re: [CR]RE: was Ebay: Frejus "TdF"/ Stem and fork crown Qs

(Example: Production Builders:LeJeune)

Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2006 00:10:57 -0400
From: "Joseph Bender-Zanoni" <>
Subject: Not "Fish mouth lug: Re: [CR]RE: was Ebay: Frejus "TdF"/ Stem and fork crown Qs
In-reply-to: <>
To: Fred Rafael Rednor <>
References: <>

This is a fish mouth lug. You basically have a blank lug. You drill a hole on the side of the lug. You make two saw cuts toward each hole. Now you have roughed in the lug and you can file. In my opinion is a very efficient and very functional lug profile. For a nicer version than the Wastyn linked below, see a Pop Brennan, a Sieber or a Maurice Selbach.

Joe Bender-Zanoni Great Notch, NJ

Fred Rafael Rednor wrote:
> > Is this the same lug that is referred
> > to as the "fish-mouth" lug?
> Yes.
> Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)
> --- "Ted E. Baer" <> wrote:
>> Mark,
>> Is this the same lug that is referred to as the
>> "fish-mouth" lug? The areas wherein the top tube and
>> the down tube insert have that Singer/Herse look. I
>> don't know the first thing about lugs but have always
>> wondered what those fish-mouth lugs looked like. The
>> lugs in your photo are quite elegant to say the least.
>> Ted Baer
>> Palo Alto, CA USA
>> --- Mark Bulgier <> wrote:
>>> Steven Maasland wrote:
>>>> The seatlug is a commonly available one that Bozzi
>>> even sold
>>>> wholesale to all comers from the late 40's onward.
>>> The
>>>> seatstays tabs of the lug are actually male plugs
>>> that fit
>>>> into the stays, so you can often see a circular
>>> line around
>>>> the stay about one half inch from the lug.
>>> I have a set of those lugs, so I snapped a basic
>>> snapshot and slapped it
>>> up here for those who need a visual:
>>> You can see how the built-in seatstay tops are
>>> hollow, so this is not a
>>> heavy way to attach stays, it's actually lighter
>>> than many other
>>> high-quality frames. (Before seeing the lug, I
>>> always assumed those
>>> were solid plugs.) It's actually pretty slick, with
>>> one minor downside,
>>> the built-in seatstay-to-seattube angle, which will
>>> only fit one frame
>>> size without bending.
>>> You can bet they are very malleable though, and can
>>> be bent as far as
>>> needed for any normal-ish frame size. Yes,
>>> "normal-ish" is a word, I
>>> read it on the Internet.
>>> Mark Bulgier
>>> Seattle WA USA
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