RE: [CR]eRichie's Masi -- Reality

(Example: Framebuilders:Mario Confente)

From: <>
Subject: RE: [CR]eRichie's Masi -- Reality
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 18:38:29 +0000

While some folks including myself could justify the original high price to a point (need excercise by a major player so to speak) - the reality is that the bike is still a restored bike. Not that that is always bad, but original bikes of the period are out there. Maybe its just me, but when I've seen it the bike never really spoke to me - the bike just didn't have the original feel or smell to it so to speak. And second time around, after thinking about it, I bet folks realized it too.

Mike Kone in Boulder CO

-------------- Original message --------------
From: David Bilenkey

> What is interesting is to look at the bidders lists.


\r?\n> Auction 1:




\r?\n> Auction 2:




\r?\n> Very few of the same bidders.


\r?\n> IMHO, fall is the _worst_ time to sell a bike. The late winter/early spring

\r?\n> is the best. This might be an extreme example of that effect. Who knows. I

\r?\n> have a half dozen classic bikes and frames I need to sell, but none will be

\r?\n> on the market until after the new year.


\r?\n> David

\r?\n> --

\r?\n> David Bilenkey

\r?\n> Ottawa, Ontario, Canada





\r?\n> > -----Original Message-----

\r?\n> > From:

\r?\n> > [] On Behalf Of Dan Kehew

\r?\n> > Sent: October 19, 2006 1:42 PM

\r?\n> > To: CR List

\r?\n> > Subject: [CR]eRichie's Masi -- now I'm really confused

\r?\n> >

\r?\n> >

\r?\n> > Okay, wha happened? Not so very long ago eRichie offered his

\r?\n> > more-than-perfect Masi GC for auction, and drew bids above

\r?\n> > $6,000. This time out, the bidding ended before $4,000.

\r?\n> > Somehow I cannot fathom that a sarcastic comment about

\r?\n> > schmutz on the derailleur cost the man two grand. (Although,

\r?\n> > hey, what would it take to wipe down the darn bike, Richard?

\r?\n> > There's even Sachs Schmutz Trademarked Registered WaxSealed

\r?\n> > on top of the headset!) Not even a snipe off, here? This is

\r?\n> > a nice price for a classic Masi, but the general consensus

\r?\n> > seems to be that this is no average classic Masi.

\r?\n> >

\r?\n> > Was it lack of an earlier, and more straight-faced, outing of

\r?\n> > the auction to the list -- Classic Rendezvous driving the market?

\r?\n> >

\r?\n> > By the way: No, I will not be sending eRichie two grand for

\r?\n> > defaming his schmutz. I knew exactly what I was doing when I

\r?\n> > outed the auction--couldn't figure out why nobody else had,

\r?\n> > with just two days left.

\r?\n> >

\r?\n> > Dan Kehew

\r?\n> > Davis CA USA