Hi Tom and fellow list members, I have no comment on the origin of the cranks but have noted the phrasing the seller used for it's description:
Campy Super and Nuovo Record was the flagship model from an era when Campagnolo was the undispuded king of road racing. This equipment adorned the bikes of more early and mid 80`s Giro,Tour and Vuelta winners than the other marques combined.
When you check out items from an other german seller, ora65, you will find the exact same words in the item description including the incorrect version of undisputed. Not the typical phrase a non-native speaker as myself would use. So one of them obviously copied it from some experienced english or american seller because he thought it will promote the sale of the item. In some of ora65's earlier auctions the english was horrible besides that one sentence. Maybe a list member was the original user of that phrase. Would be interesting to know wheter one of you guys used that description. Overall an outcome of german sellers strategy to promote their stuff in the US rather than in germany hoping for better prices.In most cases this will have some effort as I usually buy cheaper on german ebay.
Best regards
Michael Schmid
Tel.: +49 8821 798790
Fax.:+49 8821 798791
mail: schmid@zunterer.com