In some respects, you're a lucky fellow as far as the fork
is concerned. Since you're replacing the entire fork,
threading issues do not apply. If you find a fork with
English/ISO threading, the headset cups will fit your frame -
even though it probably came with a French threaded fork.
It's even possible that this is what lead to the replacement
of the original fork; i.e. the previous owner might have
replaced the entire fork, because a French threaded headset was
not available.
Bear in mind, that the bottom bracket probably is French
threaded - unless this frame was built by one of those
diabolical manufacturers who chose Swiss threading. But that
should be easy to determine with a bare frame.
Have fun!
Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)
> I recently acquired a 62cm St. Etienne frame (Reynolds
> tubing). It came
> with a (Raleigh?) Technium fork (not attached so I'm not sure
> if it actually
> fits together properly or not). After trying out a few
> wheels, I realized
> that the frame is meant for 27" wheels while the fork is
> meant for 700c
> wheels. So I'm looking for a new fork. My question is:
> would this frame
> have any weird threading issues in the head tube I need to
> know about?
> Eric Phillips
> Southfield, MI USA
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