Hello All,
I would like your help. If you are a Team Professional owner I would appreciate it if you could send the following information to me off list.
1. Year
2. Tubing (555rsl,531c,753 is there another?)
3. Size
4.Serial Number
5. Any other markings on the frame (for example mine has a "J" stamped on the BB shell right where the downtube enters)
The goal is to really determine if the J means anything. Any additional information is appreciated. Ultimately I would like to ID the tubing on my '85. I am almost certain that 555rsl is equivalent to 531 so either way I know it's reynolds 531 or lighter. In addition, if anyone can explain why the bike was offered in so many tubing types that too would be appreciated. Old ads and catalogue scans appreciated as well.
Anthony Bier
Vancouver, BC
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