Re: [CR]The Vuelta a Deeter

(Example: Framebuilding:Brazing Technique)

Subject: Re: [CR]The Vuelta a Deeter
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2006 15:28:35 -0500
In-Reply-To: <>
From: <>

I'll not steal Mark's thunder, which I'm sure he will share within the week , but want to point out a few things about this comparative evaluation that Mark performed.

1. All bikes were the same saddle height and most within 1 cm tip of saddle to center of bar. Size of the frames shouldn't have been an issue as they are all very close to the same size. 2. All had the same amount of air pressure, although they didn't have the s ame tire brand. 3. All had Regal saddles & Speedplay pedals. 4. The route was flat and smooth. 5. All of the bikes were made by U.S. builders, with one exception. My Spe cialized Allez may have been made overseas. It is painted in red with white lugs with University of Arkansas decals and Razorback decals. I think this was a Pro model, but I'm not sure where it was made.

Mark made the comment that he could evaluate a bike within four pedal stroke s. I can't take exception to his overall ranking of the bikes for ride as h is evaluation closely approximates mine. I was just amazed that he could do it so quickly. I can tell whether I like a bike quickly, but I can't say t hat I could rank order this many different bikes with such short rides. His comments about liveliness, steering, & responsiveness were all subjective c omments that usually take me many miles to determine.

As always, Mark's annual (sometimes twice) visit is a high point of the year . Mark is the only person I know who regularly takes a $2000 road bike and bunny hops curbs. It just cracks me up.

Lou Deeter, Orlando FL

-----Original Message----- From: To: Sent: Mon, 4 Dec 2006 2:42 PM Subject: [CR]The Vuelta a Deeter

Sorry about the timing on this report. When I left Florida I was launched in to our ski season and haven't had much spare time on my hands. This all happene d the Saturday before Thanksgiving.

In all my trips to Florida I always look forward to riding with Lou Deeter and friends. This trip Jonathan Green and Brent would be joining us on Saturdays

ride. We met at Paneras and the ride would leave at 7:30am right after a goo d cup of coffee and a bagel. Lou was riding his Specialized Allez, Jonathan on his Hampstein and Brent on his white Richard Sachs. Two other folks joined us He nry and his son Will both on bikes kind of like mine, not to be mentioned here o n the list. The pace was casual and when the traffic allowed we engaged in goo d conversation. We did 15 or 20 miles and then back to Paneras where I had a second cup of coffee. I must say at this time I can\u2019t drink the coff ee my dad makes. Having spent 3 years 8 months and 9 days in the Navy I can honestly s ay a drunk sailor wouldn\u2019t drink a cup of his brew let alone an Ex sober sailor. Jonathan, Brent and I headed over to Lou\u2019s house, which is just a fe w blocks behind Paneras. Upon arriving we notice that Lou had all his bikes lined up in a row in bike stands waiting our inspection. Lou asked me what size shoe I wore and I told him a 42 which he replied "my shoe s will fit you well enough to ride my bikes." So after putting on his shoes, o h, to pedal a mile in Lou\u2019s shoe\u2019s, he brought the first bike o ut. At this time I must mention that I will not name the marquee or frame builder of the bikes that I rode for what I think will be obvious reasons as I did have a hands down favorite which I will name. One bike after another was brought out for me to

ride with all in all, if my memory serves me correctly, 8 bikes total. The l ast bike was a Richards Sachs with modern Campagnolo Record equipment. Most of h is bikes were equipped with the same components. All the bikes rode nice, and t here were two that I thought rode better than the rest. One bike in particular I rode twice as long as any other just wanting and waiting for something magical to

happen, but it never did. After throwing a leg over the Sachs and taking 3 or 4 pedal strokes I new this was a speci al ride. I have always looked at Richards bikes and felt that they would ride nicely, but I have never had the chance to ride one my size and that does ma ke a difference, at least for me. Again, I rode this one twice the time as any ot her bike, not for something magical to happen as that happened immediately, but for the simple reason I did not want to get off the bike. If you have ever been on a bike that rides that exceptionally nice you know what I talk of, the ride is

soooooooooo sweet you hate for it to end so ya stay on it just a bit longer.

Bringing it back to the garage I simply said "Lou, hands down this is the be st riding bike in your stable and if I were I would keep this one and put all t he others up on Ebay." Both Jonathan and Brent thought that was funny as hell a nd told me I have to post that to the list so here it is.

This is almost where the story comes to an end, but I will save the best p art for another post in a few days.

Mark Poore Slatyfork, WV

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