RE: [CR]WTB: raleigh logo'd cotter pin nuts

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli)

From: "Tom Harriman" <>
Subject: RE: [CR]WTB: raleigh logo'd cotter pin nuts
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 02:40:11 +0000

Dear Tarik. Hello, the last time I saw anything like this was in the late eighties, and cotter pins were getting hard to find then. At some point the bottom bracket and axel will become pitted, have have to be replaced, and these have also disappeared many years ago. As much as you want to make this bike a period peace, at some point you will have to replace the cranks and BB with new stuff. Good luck with the rest of the project.

Tom Harriman San Francisco, Ca.

>From: tarik saleh <>
>Subject: [CR]WTB: raleigh logo'd cotter pin nuts
>Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 09:00:22 -0800 (PST)
>i have a beat raleigh sports 1966 flavor that I got at
>a garage sale in bits and pieces. I think it was
>midway through an overhaul by a non bikey scientist
>who thought a bike could not be that hard and then
>bailed. I am in the midst of turning it into some sort
>of coasterbraked townie venturing into the OT
>Bike carcas here with tale of the weird half overhaul:
>Anyhoo, one of the missing items were the nuts on the
>cotters...I would love, for some reason to get some
>little raleigh "R" logoed nuts for the cotter pins,
>let me know if anyof you have any. Or know of a
>source. I will not be upset if I must use unlabled
>nuts, so let me know if you have those too... also
>would buy entire cotter and nut assembly etc.
>Tarik Saleh
>PO Box 208, Los Alamos, NM 87544
>tsaleh at rocketmail dot com
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