I recall a former member of this list and another popular forum got himself into several 'sticky' situations resembling what Charlie describes. He even had the lack of common sense to protest another member 'outing' his deplorable ebay rating. Soon after all this was made public, he vanished and 'took' no other members. I'd check the particulars with Dale before outing someone---as there are cases of 'expectancy gap'--but, if it is as you say, we are all better for knowing.
On 12/19/06, Nipponcomet@wmconnect.com <Nipponcomet@wmconnect.com> wrote:
> who deserves to be on this list? if you consistently misrepresent "things"
> for sale, do you deserve to be on this list? if you sell a misrepresented
> "thing" to a fellow list member, do you deserve to be on this list?
> ....but MOST
> importantly, if you sell a fellow member a misrepresented "thing", get
> called on
> it, promice to make it right, and then fail to take ANY action to make it
> right ( send the "thing" you described, accept the "thing" back that you
> misrepresented and repay all monies, includeing any and all shipping
> costs), do you in
> fact deserve to be on this list? my answer to this type of behavior would
> be
> a lifetime ban from being able to participate in this forum....to con and
> rip
> a fellow member seems to me the type of behavior none of us here benefit
> from
> in any way. what do any and all of you think on this straightforward
> question?
> charlie flaherty baltimore maryland usa
> _______________________________________________
Sadiq Gill
Richmond, VA (currently hunkered down in lovely Monroe, Michigan)