Speaking as a CR list-member from the dawning of the list, all of us are lucky to have such a remarkable resource available to us. I directly benefited from Freek's knowledge and contact with Mr. Van der Kaay when I was seeking information on my RIH, and I'm extremely grateful to both (thanks again Freek!). And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I have benefited in so may ways, from so many people, with so much information, that it's not even really quantifiable at this point. The Bruce Gordon thread really got rolling when Bruce weighed in on Peter's Eisentraut, clarifying exactly what the frame was and was not. The resulting commentary got a little far-of-field, which is somewhat typical of the list, but let's not lose sight of the real treasure here. Bruce volunteered, right of the top of his head, in his usual straight-forward manner, what he considered valuable information and thoughts on the frame in question. That's a great thing. Thanks Bruce! That treasure, the resource, is the vast knowledge base possessed by the CR list members and extended friends and acquaintances, and the willingness to share that knowledge. It's really what keeps this list relevant. It's the heart of what we have here. We are a large group of quirky personalities, opinions and perspectives. And like everywhere else in life, we suffer the foibles of an eclectic group gathered together, trying to communicate and get along. Compared to most everywhere else, I think we actually do a damn good job of it overall.
I, for one, just want to take the opportunity to thank everyone on the list for being here, for keeping things pretty civil most of the time, and for being willing to share such a vast amount of knowledge and information with everyone else.
Happy Holidays, and best wishes for a healthful, happy and "vintage lightweight" New Year.
Peace out.
Wayne Bingham Lovettsville VA USA
>>>I guess i have to consider myself lucky that I can call mr. van der
Kaay (owner and framebuilder of RIH Sport in Amsterdam) anytime when
wanting info (for myself or one of the CR listmembers) re. a frame that
he or the Bustraan brothers built. He's always willing to find out, if
it's an old frame he has to go up to the attic of the shop to leaf
through some old books (and for that he has to find some time), if it's
a newer one, he just has to reach under the counter for the records.
He's near 70 years of age now, and still enjoys that kind of thing.
Especially if I mention the info is for an American enthusiast!
Freek (usually unlucky with other frames!) Faro Rotterdam Netherlands<<<