If anyone was still wondering, the naked frame pics I posted last week were of my new Bruce Gordon frame. Here's you're chance to see if the old dog still has his chops.
Tom Adams. Shrewsbury NJ
Jack Gabus <jack_gabus@yahoo.com> wrote: Gang:
I want to know something. Did Bruce himself devise this self deprecating PR campaign? If so he is a genius. Because this is the most PR (advertising) he has gotten most likely in the last ten years. If not he is thanking all of you out there in CRland. Next thing you know he'll hangin out with Paris and Britteney.
I think I'll go buy a Gordon frame now.
Merry Christmas,
Jack (Giacomo) GabusLaguna Beach, CA jack@shermangabus.com http://www.wooljersey.com/
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