Re: [CR]KOF - decisions, decisions

(Example: Framebuilding:Brazing Technique)

Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 13:32:46 -0800 (PST)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR]KOF - decisions, decisions
To: Emanuel Lowi <>,
In-Reply-To: <>

Well I don''t have the exact same models, but I have two Merican King of Mercia's and a Professional, and I'm very impressed with Mercian quality. I'm always looking to pick up a used Vincitore to avoid the wait for a custom build. I almost ordered a custom Vincitore a couple of years ago, but they had fairly large addons for Mafac CP brazeons studs and some other unusual bits I wanted. It also annoyed me they wanted 50 or 100 pounds extra for any frame going to the US, supposedly because of liability lawsuit concerns. Don't know if that applies to Canada.

I don't have a Cooper-branded frame, but I have a New Bates frame built by Ron Cooper. Superb work, and it certainly shows Ron can do fancy lugs, although I always thought of Ron Cooper frames as typically having Italian-style lugs. Ron is getting up in years and I've heard reports he is soon to retire, so if you want a custom Cooper you should probably hurry.

You didn't mention it, but I'm also quite pleased with an Arthur Caygill Artisan frame I had custom built about the same time as the New Bates. Caygill sells a wide range of frames, but the Artisan model is custom built, often lugged steel with fancy lugs. The custom frame builder at Caygill is Richard Kent. He also built custom chromed steel racks for it.


Jerry Moos Big Spring, Texas

Emanuel Lowi <> wrote: I am planning to order a KOF frame with fancy lugs by a British builder.

I've narrowed my choices down to:

- new Hetchins MO - Ron Cooper - Mercian Vincitore - Condor No. 1 Superbe

Any thoughts from list members who've ordered from either of the above in the past couple of years?

Emanuel Lowi Montreal, Quebec

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