[CR]Re: "Naked" Bruce Gordon Frame Pics

(Example: Events)

Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 17:15:39 -0800 (PST)
From: "Thomas Adams" <thomasthomasa@yahoo.com>
To: Raymond Dobbins <raydobbins2003@yahoo.com>, Classic Rendezvous Bike List <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
In-Reply-To: <919978.64705.qm@web60420.mail.yahoo.com>
Subject: [CR]Re: "Naked" Bruce Gordon Frame Pics

Dear Ray:

Thanks for posting the pics in a more accessible spot.

I think this frame is about 20 days old now, unless you require a frame to receive it's first coat of paint to be really "born". Bruce called me with the news it was mostly finished around December 1st. You can tell it's brand new because the seat stay caps have still to be drilled for a binder bolt. Took me about 10 minutes to figure that out: I wondered what was going to hold the seat post up.

Tom Adams, Shrewsbury NJ

Raymond Dobbins <raydobbins2003@yahoo.com> wrote: As Tom Adams pointed out off-list, there is an option to view the Yahoo pics in almost full size by clicking on the Download button and then selecting View. I did not know that (said a la Johnny Carson).

I selected Save instead of View, ran the pics through a quickie Photoshop, and posted them full-size on my site, at:


Now this is worth making a fuzz about. Tom, do you know how old this frame is?

Ray Dobbins Miami FL USA

Thomas Adams <thomasthomasa@yahoo.com> wrote: There should be a "download" option on the Yahoo pics. It puts it into your picture viewer where you can zoom in. Feel free to download and post em if you want. Bruce didn't include and restrictions on use when he sent me the pics :-)


Raymond Dobbins <raydobbins2003@yahoo.com> wrote: That rear rack is a work of art. Tom, any chance you can post these pics full size somewhere like WoolJersey? If you send them to me I'll be glad to put them on my site and post the link.

Ray Dobbins Miami FL USA

Thomas Adams <thomasthomasa@yahoo.com> wrote: If anyone was still wondering, the naked frame pics I posted last week were of my new Bruce Gordon frame. Here's you're chance to see if the old dog still has his chops.


Tom Adams. Shrewsbury NJ

Jack Gabus wrote: Gang:

I want to know something. Did Bruce himself devise this self deprecating PR campaign? If so he is a genius. Because this is the most PR (advertising) he has gotten most likely in the last ten years. If not he is thanking all of you out there in CRland. Next thing you know he'll hangin out with Paris and Britteney.

I think I'll go buy a Gordon frame now.

Merry Christmas,


Jack (Giacomo) GabusLaguna Beach, CA jack@shermangabus.com http://www.wooljersey.com/gallery/Giacomo-Gabus/?g2_page=2

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