Re: [CR]Season Greetings etc. & Suck it up!

(Example: Framebuilders:Bernard Carré)

In-Reply-To: <>
From: "neil foddering" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Season Greetings etc. & Suck it up!
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 11:25:47 +0000

You're right, Mike, it is small stuff - until you're on the receiving end...

Neil Foddering Weymouth, Dorset, England.

>From: Mike Schmidt <>
>To:,'Peter Brown'
>Subject: Re: [CR]Season Greetings etc. & Suck it up!
>Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 09:55:19 -0500
>Doug, Peter, Hilary et al accross the pond:
>ATMO, youse guys need to thicken up your skin and stop sweating about th
>e small stuff. And believe me, its all small stuff!
>On another topic, Taliah Lempert's part at NYC Velo in the East Village
>was fun. Bike works sprang for the wine and cheese and in all, about
>50 people were there. Ran into Dave Perry, Steve Klein and Matty Bown
>e. Far different crowd too. I had an opportunity to meet some f
>olks from recycle a bicycle. An interesting not for profit prog
>ram that gets kids into bikes and bicycle riding. Taliah who presente
>d at Cirque in 2005, is getting into abstracts using bicycles and it was in
>teresting talking to her about what she was thinking at the time she was cr
>eating the painting. It would be interesting to see what she can do w
>ith a french cyclotourist bicycle. I also took some photos of the eve
>nt and will post on my wool jersey site.
>Mike Schmidt
>New York, NY
>On Thu Dec 21 9:14 , "Peter Brown" sent:
>Dear Doug
> > As this is the last time I will be contributing to t
> > take this opportunity to wish all those folks whom I
> > over the past years a Happy Christmas and the Best W
> > Year.
> >
> > I no longer wish to continue posting in the future d
> > unjustified behaviour towards my integerity . It was
> > order to criticise and ridicule me as they did openl
> > I shall continue to log in and read the daily messag
> > touch with those people whom I've communicated with
> > hav'nt taken this decision lightly but have no regre
> >
> > Best wishes
> > Doug Smith
> > North Dorset
> > SP8 4LJ
> > UK