Re: [CR]book on wheelbuilding?

(Example: History)

Date: 23 Feb 2006 20:53:54 -0000
From: "Steve Kurt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]book on wheelbuilding?
References: <>
In-Reply-To: <>

> From: "C. Andrews" <>
> what's the consensus recommendation on the best book on
> traditional wheelbuilding?
> In-print or out ok, but in-print would be better.
> I've built wheels before, but I could use a refresher
> course. I was going to buy Brandt's book..but are there
> others that people here like?
> Thanks!
> Charles Andrews
> SoCal

hi Charles,

My suggestion is not really a book, but it's definitely traditional: the five pages in the Cyclo-Pedia catalog. It's conveniently on-line, so there's no risk on your part:

check pages 58 thru 62. This is what guided me through my early wheel building adventures (with some help, I think, from The Complete Book of Bicycling).

Steve Kurt
Peoria, IL