Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 08:59:25 -0800 (PST)
From: "jimmy katynski" <>
Subject: [CR]FS Bringheli BB fixed cup tool
I talked to Bringheli today about making the bb fixed
cup tool and was told we can get a discount by
ordering in quantity. This tool is heat treated heavy
tool steel with jaws to fit campy size fixed cup. If
you didnt see the picture of tool on wooljersey go to . The cost
of tool if Joe made them one at a time was $90 but
with my quantity order cost will be closer to $70 and
depending on shipping cost postage might be included.
For those people that allready chimed in the first
time have 1st dibs on the tools anybody else please
let me know.
Jimmy Katynski
31543 Edgeworth Dr
Madison Heights Mi 48071
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