*GIANT BAY AREA BICYCLE SWAP MEET* */Sunday March 26th - 1 to 4 p.m. at Dublin High School/* *Space and admission is free.* Village Parkway and Brighton Drive in Dublin Take I-680 North or South, exit Alcosta Blvd, go East to Village Parkway, turn right, then turn left on Brighton to parking lot on your left. *Come and swap, sell, and buy everything for bicycles* *Parts, clothing and complete bicycles.*
Just passing on. I rode to it a few years back from Walnut Cree, got lost, found it, enjoyed it. Not a lot of great stuff but some worth seeing and prehaps buying. Also the one at Cuppertino Bike Store in April is still on Cupertino Bike Shop Swap Meet April 24th 2005 - 10 am to 4 pm The ROMP (Responsible Organized Mountain Pedalers) annual Road and Mountain Bike swap meet will take place on April 24th, 2005 from 10 am - 4 pm, in the rear parking lot of sponsor, Cupertino Bike Shop. We are located at 10493 S. DeAnza Blvd in Cupertino. This year there will be a $2.00 admission to the event.
Charles Nighbor
Walnut Creek, CA