Re: [CR]Polishing Record Hubs

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Columbus)

Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 10:59:37 -0800
From: "Kurt Sperry" <>
To: "Amir Avitzur" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Polishing Record Hubs
In-Reply-To: <>
cc: Classicrendezvous <>

Al alloy can generally easily be repolished without going through a bunch o f progressively finer grits of abrasive. Bobbing compound then Fabuluster on a cotton buffing wheel will usually do the trick easily and quickly. These are available through jewelers' supply places. Most Record hubs weren't supplied in a high polish, but the later production were. If you just want to restore the original finish and the hubs aren't late production, just stop at the bobbing compound step, that looks pretty close to the original finish, perhaps a bit brighter.

Kurt Sperry Bellingham WA

On 3/28/06, Amir Avitzur <> wrote:
> I'd like to use an old Campy Record high flange hub.
> Unfortunately, it was badly "pitted".
> 60 grit sandpaper removed most of the pitting and any anodized finish it
> may
> have had.
> I'll work my way back to 1000 grit sandpaper and then use polishing
> compound.
> Anybody know what to expect were I to use the hub in that condition?
> And a few more questions:
> Were Campy Record Hubs anodized?
> Do they need to be re-anodized?
> Anybody make home anodization equipment?
> Amir Avitzur
> R"G, Israel
> _______________________________________________
