Just a reminder that the blue Legnano on the CR website is, in fact, an early-1960s Gran Premio originally equipped with Gran Sport derailleurs - I merely used it as a test rig that year for the late-1940s Vittoria shifter.
I have about 140 pictures of Legnano bikes and peripherals, arranged by approximate year, on the wooljersey site:
Many captions are only partial, and many of the dates are guesses. Corrections are invited. I have about 75 more pictures to add... I'll let you know when the updates are completed.
Aldo Ross
Middletown, Ohio
> Intact blue Legnano with white pinstripes and white
> head tube. Lugs, fork lowers, and stay ends all blue.
> Fork crown chromed. Campy drop outs blue. Bike looks
> alot like Aldo's at CR web site except for chrome ends
> and rare derailleurs. :-( Some patina. :-( But I got
> it for $20. :-)
> S/N: 255 located underside of bottom bracket shell,
> not on seat cluster/seat tube as pictured on Aldo's
> bike at CR Web Site.
> Seat Tube Transfer: E'Un Prodotto Emilio Bozzi,
> Milano.
> Down Tube Transfers: Legnano 6 volte campione del
> mundo, Campagnolo Gruppo Record, and a yellow circle
> with a 3-blade rotor inside and a big F on the rotor.
> Writiing around edge of circle reads: Tubo Extra
> Leggieri Falck Senza Saldaturra.
> Bars and stem: ttt with Legnano on leading edge of
> quil. Padded light blue handlebar and brake hood
> covers.
> Gruppo: Nuovo Record except for Universal 61 levers
> and brakes.
> Rims: Fiamme red label sew-ups.
> Hubs: Record high flange.
> Freewheel: Regina
> Questions:
> What model and year might this be?
> It seems odd the S/N 255, if it is an S/N, is not on
> seat tube. Anyone seen one marked like this?
> Don Wilson
> Los Olivos, CA
> D.C. Wilson dcwilson3@yahoo.com
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