Re: [CR] shoes for clips/straps & TA ref 40 cleats

(Example: Events:Eroica)

Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 19:14:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Fred Rafael Rednor" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] shoes for clips/straps & TA ref 40 cleats
To: Classic Rendezvous <>
In-Reply-To: <>

Beware the ribbed sole shoes! This is the problem you _might_ encounter. (Then again, you might not.)

With ribbed sole shoes, the manufacturers have chosen to place the ribs at the angles which they feel are correct for the typical rider. If your feet are atypical (at least in the estimation of your shoe's manufacturer) you will find that, if you really cinch up the straps, your feet will be in what is (for you anyway) an unnatural position. Then, as you ride, you will find yourself alternating between having the ridges lock the shoes in place - albeit at the "wrong" angle for your feet and knees - and slipping out of place as your feet temporarily find their natural location on the pedals.

The solution is to remove the ridges once you know where your feet "want" to be located with respec to the pedal cages. This is easier donewith some shoes than with others. It was simple with the old Avocet and Cannondale touring shoes. In my experience, it was a pain with Bata Bikers.

But as my our friend Harvey Sachs, often says, "Your Mileage May Vary..."
      Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA), where a
      mile is usually 1.613 kilometers...

--- Harvey M Sachs wrote:

> wrote:<snip>
> >I also like the dear departed Sidis with just the ribbed
> soles for a touring type shoe.
> >+++++++++++++++
> >
> >
> So, Joe, you gone up-town on us? So what's wrong with the
> Genuine Bata
> Biker, everyman's Real Bike Shoe with ribbed soles? So they
> didn't cost
> enough for youse guys? :-)
> harvey sachs
> mcLean va
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