Dale was right when he said that the cost of shipping is amazingly high now a days. The drag on the Ebay economy is getting quite noticeable even with $65 a barrel gas. A few months ago it was even higher. Now the man who accurately predicted near $100 a barrel gas five years ago (and was ridiculed for it), has written a new book. I heard the interview on Public Radio recently, and he is now predicting $200 a barrel gas! When you start considering how much shipping already plays in our mental calculations when bidding on Ebay, can you imagine what $5 a gallon gas will do? It makes cycling and small European cars that get 40 mpg look a lot more attractive. I'm not sure whether to fear it, or to look foward to it, but it will influence the number of things I purchase on line and on Ebay.
Garth Libre in Miami Fl. looking at the new Honda Fit as a possible replacement for the family car.