Re: [CR]Re: (CR)More on French dropout adjusters

(Example: Racing:Roger de Vlaeminck)

Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 07:15:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: (CR)More on French dropout adjusters
To: Mark Kiser <>,
In-Reply-To: <>

Sounds like I may have installed them backwards. I assumed one adjusted them from the front (inside the DO) just because that's how you do it with the Campy ones. If the slotted head are to the rear, outside the DO, that leaves only a very small cross- section at the front end to stop the wheel axle. I'd think that would be more likely to cause bent adjustors than the Campy method.


Jerry Moos Big Spring, TX

Mark Kiser <> wrote: >
> From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos
> Date: May 23, 2006 11:21:22 AM EDT
> To:
> Subject: [CR]More on French dropout adjustors
> Those are actually Huret dropout adjusters, as I recall from a Motobecane Grand Touring I once owned. The dropouts on my bike seemed to be threaded. Although the adjuster threads didn't engage the dropout threads as with Campy or Simplex, they would "catch" on each other. This, along with that tight fitting plastic collar, prevented the assembly from moving around when the wheel was removed. From your comment regarding "caps screwed onto the rear- facing ends," I wonder if you may have the adjusters installed backwards. Unlike Campy adjusters, the slotted head should be accessible from the rear. Seems like a weird set-up, but I suppose there's less likelihood of an adjuster freezing tight or breaking in the dropout. Sadly, my Moto and I were victims of a car-bike accident, and the dropout adjusters were among the few salvageable parts (from the bike--the car and I survived). Sometime back, I passed those adjusters on to someone who had posted a need on the defunct CR "Wanted" list.

I also once had a Follis similar to yours with the same type of dropout adjusters and an unthreaded, unnotched derailleur hanger, suitable for Simplex and not much else. I believe the question of the rarity of these has come up before, so perhaps there's information in the archives. Or, maybe it's time for a close inspection of all-French bikes of a certain era.

Mark Kiser Knoxville, TN
> Through the generosity of a fellow CR member (Is this a great list
> or what?), I now have adjustors installed in the Huret dropouts of
> my 1974 Raleigh Super Tourer.
> I believe these are Huret adjustors, although I can't find any
> Huret markings. The screws seem about the same diameter as Campy
> adjustors, but do not thread into the Huret dropouts. Instead they
> thread into a crescent shaped piece of plastic that fits fairly
> snugly into the back end of the dropout slot. The dropouts are
> either unthreaded or a larger thread than Campy and do not
> themselves engage the adjustor thread.
> Can anyone confirm that these are in fact Huret adjustors? Did
> Huret ever make another type adjustor that threaded into the DO?
> If not, are the holes in the Huret DO's not threaded then? Also,
> did the adjustors I have originally have little caps screwed onto
> the rear-facing ends like Campy adjustors? Finally, since these do
> not thread into the DO, there seems to be nothing to prevent the
> screw and plastic collar from moving forward in the DO when the
> wheel is removed. Was the plastic collar held in place at the back
> of the DO only by the wheel axle?
> This matter with the Huret adjustors has caused me to notice
> something that I had overlooked for years, namely Simplex DO's with
> threaded adjustors. The Simplex DO's on late 60's/early 70's
> PX-10s are unthreaded and use Simplex adjustors which clamp the DO
> from either side. I had assumed all Simplex DO's of the era were
> like this. But now that I look again at the Simplex DO's on my
> 1972 Follis mod 172, which I think I've had 7 or 8 years, they are
> in fact drilled and threaded and use adjustors that look very
> similar to Campy adjustors. Anyone else have Simplex DO's like
> this? Were thay relatively rare? What bikes other than Follis
> used them? Is the adjustor thread the same as Campy?


> Regards,


> Jerry Moos

> Big Spring, TX