27 inch tubulars and 700c tubulars are the same size. I
don't know why there has been this schizophrenia about
specifying the size of tubulars, but it still exists.
For example, if you were to measure the current Continental
tubulars designated as 27" (for example the Sprinters) and also
measured their other tubulars, you'll see that they fit the
sized rime.
I'm sure that there are historical reasons for this anomoly,
but - as yet - no one has let me know what it is!
Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)
> In line with this discussion on 700 cm and 27 inch wheels, I
> would like to
> ask about 27 inch tubulars. Currently, I have on Ebay an
> auction for a rear
> Campagnolo track wheel. The rim is Ava, and, I guess perhaps
> ignorantly, I
> would have assumed the rim was 700 cm, but the tire on it, a
> Contnental
> Sprinter tubular, reads, 27 inch by 22 mm. The rim does not
> have a label on
> it indicating its dimensionss. Were there such things as 27
> inch tubular
> which fit on 700 cm rims or did they match a 27 inch tublar
> rim?
> For the inordinately curious, though the pictures are not
> revealing enough
> to show much beyond what I stated in the previous paragraph,
> here is the
> site where the wheel can be seen:
> Thank you for your help.
> Tom Hayes
> Chagrin Falls, Ohio
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