RE: [CR] Was:cirque judging, feelings & a humorous tale, my view of Richie Sachs

(Example: Framebuilding:Paint)

Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 09:17:05 -0500
From: "John T.Pergolizzi" <>
Subject: RE: [CR] Was:cirque judging, feelings & a humorous tale, my view of Richie Sachs
In-reply-to: <>
To: "'Mark Poore'" <>, <>, <>

Mark Poore of Slatyfork, WV wrote:

" If my humor offends anyone maybe it would be easier to delete my posts rather than me trying to change at this late stage in the game. I will try and refrain for these types of posts in the future."

Oh contraire mon ami! Yours was a humorous, fresh, and imaginative post. I only wish that we could record the voices in my head for everyone else to enjoy! I've gotten the pleasure of hanging out with Richie and Peter long enough to repeat their voices in my mind and therefore "hear" "the" conversation. It's hilarious!

John T.Pergolizzi Brooklyn, New York A grain of salt, a shaker if necessary, and tongue in cheek. Are the voices in my head bothering you?