Re: [CR] Fake Gios Super Record on eBay?

(Example: Books:Ron Kitching)

Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 07:42:13 -0700
From: "Lee Berg" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Fake Gios Super Record on eBay?
In-Reply-To: <BAY102-F24B21A742AA6B2EEEBB2D8D6220@phx.gbl>

The listing says:

"The serial number on it is 'WP 0002353' which, according to Sheldon Brown, dates this frameset back to 1980."

The link given is to Sheldon's Raleigh serial number page. Does that mean that the seller thinks it's a Raleigh? ;-)

Lee Berg Palo Alto

On 9/19/06, e a <> wrote:
> i sent the seller some info on how this is not a gios but only had gios
> decals, etc.
> maybe he doesn't check his email much... -.- because there hasn't been an
> update to the listing.
> Eric Acuna
> Santa Rosa, CA
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 11:26:54 +0200
> From: "kim klakow" <>
> To: "KO Kevin" <>,
> Subject: [CR]"Fake" bikes on eBay?
> Message-ID: <>
> In-Reply-To:
> <>
> References:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 6
> No, it looks more like wrong decals on a gas-pipe frame. The seat-tube decal
> is
> a dt decal. Fork crown is wrong, too.
> I see it a lot of times that sellers are just not informed, not malicious.
> I know people who always wanted a certain brand bike but didn't have the
> funds
> to buy more than the decals. So a cheaper frame had to do, ...
> Nothing wrong with wishing, right. The next cat thought he had what it said
> on
> the frame then. I've bought a Colnago like that before; it was for the parts
> though.
> Best,
> kim
> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 20:58:50 -0700
> Von: "KO Kevin" <>
> An:
> Betreff: [CR] Fake Gios Super Record on eBay?
> >Item #300028831617
> > Now, this may be another example of european models differing GREATLY
> > >from the models we are used to seeing here, but its certainly not like
> >any Gios Super Record I've seen (heck, its not even "Mediocre Record").
> > Kevin Ko
> >Eugene, OR USA
> >_______________________________________________
> --
> Kim Klakow
> Diplom Grafik Designer
> +49172-1786481
> Berlin - Germany"Feel free" - 10 GB Mailbox, 100 FreeSMS/Monat ...
> Jetzt GMX TopMail testen:
> ------------------------------