Re: [CR]Anybody ever shorten a Silca frame pump?

(Example: Books:Ron Kitching)

Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2006 18:29:35 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Thomas Adams" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Anybody ever shorten a Silca frame pump?
To: devotion finesse <>,
In-Reply-To: <BAY122-F23522CB48DC9C70FEB4012F5270@phx.gbl>

Steve Willis at the Bike Stand in Scotch Plains NJ does this work very well. He shortened a white pump for my Nobilette and an orange one for my Algurn. Couldn't tell they didn't come from the factory that length. The key is to take some of the tube from both ends, to keep the logo centered in the shaft. One pic here (albeit not centered on the pump):

Good luck!

Tom Adams, Shrewsbury NJ

devotion finesse <> wrote: I acquired an old Silca Impero frame pump with a bronze/copper color closely matching that of my 74 International. The problem is, even when fully compressed, it's a smidge too big to get under a clamp-on umbrella hood or peg on the seat tube. If it were 1/2" to 3/8" shorter, I'd be in good shape. My question is this: Has anybody attempted (either with or without success) to shorten such a pump? I took it into a local motorcycle shop in the hope that I could trim a bit off of the handle end and re-tap the threads to screw the plunger-guide back in at the such luck locating a tap the right size. The other end has a black plastic piece with the threaded attachment for the pump head...but it seems glued in place. Might I be able to remove this end, make my cut and re-epoxy the black piece back into place? Or is this just an up hill battle that is better left unfought?

Matthew Bowne Brooklyn, New York


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