RE: [CR]Stretching Tubulars

(Example: Events:Eroica)

From: "Roman Stankus" <>
To: "'Jerome & Elizabeth Moos'" <>, "'Mark Bulgier'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Stretching Tubulars
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2006 10:02:32 -0400
In-Reply-To: <>
Thread-Index: AcbNzem78SnHdHcpTnWVLQcPvcpr6AAAF8yg

Jerry - I think the point of Mark's post is that with a list this large, good manners are important. What's the positive impact of everyone on the list letting everyone else on the list know what they think is boring? It just seems to waste bandwidth and creates negative vibes. If you can't see anything useful/positive to say - why not just let it go? Like Mark said - we all have lists of things that we find boring/uninteresting - why does that make it notable to tell others unless you mean to demean those interests? That's the way it comes across to me. OTOH, I'm always interested to know what gets people excited (in a positive way) and why.

Roman Stankus Atlanta, Ga.

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jerome & Elizabeth Moos Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 9:52 AM To: Mark Bulgier; Subject: RE: [CR]Stretching Tubulars

Actually those are Bob Roll's phrases, not mine. Not a very politically correct thing for a TV commentator to say, but I think Bob's lack of knee-jerk correctness is much of his charm. Of course a lot of people find criteriums exciting, it's just that I (and Bob Roll) don't. We're all adults here, so I don't see any reason for one person to be offended if another says he is bored by what the first person finds exciting. I don't get offended if people call French components "crappy", it's just an opinion I don't happen to agree with. Different strokes for different folks.


Jerry Moos Big Spring, TX

Mark Bulgier <> wrote:

Well, let's not compile lists of things we find boring, OK? Especially when you're talking about the PASSION of others on the list. Seriously, "Lame-Ass", "waste of time" - words like that do not belong here in Dale's living room. You can think it, but politeness requires you to keep it to yourself.

Personally I found crit racing to be the most exciting thing I've experienced on this planet, infinitely more interesting than most track racing - and I like track racing a lot. Road racing? Also totally cool, just less intensity, like the same amount of excitement is spread out over a much longer time period. More rewarding maybe, with the scenery and the distance traveled and the sense of accomplishment... But for sheer living-every-instant-to-the-fullest while you're doing it, give me a hilly, curvy crit!

Never really got into bowling, but I'm sure it must have its excitement too, if you prefer it to criterium racing.

Collegially, Mark Bulgier Seattle WA USA

Jerome & Elizabeth Moos wrote:
> Well, now that you mention crits, I can't help but quote the
> great Bob Roll, "I went to ride in Europe because I wasn't
> going to waste my time riding in Lame-Ass American
> criteriums". I did have an ABL (that dates me) license and
> rode a few criteriums and came to the same conclusion as Bob
> Roll. I can't imagine any greater waste of time than
> American criteriums and the rules and traditions of those
> events are of absolutely no interest to me. Bowling is
> exciting by comparison.