RE: [CR] Legnano crankset info request

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Subject: RE: [CR] Legnano crankset info request
Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2006 01:27:18 -0700
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Thread-Topic: [CR] Legnano crankset info request
Thread-Index: AcbP8wX5TRjnixo/S6Oxu/4kuw66BQAB3pqQ
From: "Mark Bulgier" <>
To: "Aldo Ross" <>, <>

OK here's a nice un-rusty one on a '53 bike (Aldo Ross's collection) < 1952_leg_right_crank.jpg.html> or

And here's another Aldo pic, this time on a '65-ish bike: < 1965_ish_Legnano_GP_crank.jpg.html> or

So was that "2-arm" crank really made for more than a decade? I've seen plenty of Legnanos in that period with regular 3-arm cranks, so I don't think this was their standard or only crank. Aldo?

Mark Bulgier Seattle WA USA

Mark wrote:
> I just picked up a rusty Legnano crankset and I think it's a
> thing of beauty. Anyone know more about it? See 5 snapshots at:
> Or in case the above link wraps.
> This is a "two arm" 116 mm bcd 3-bolt crank, where the main
> crank arm supplies the third chainring mounting point. (In
> case anyone thinks Campy invented the idea with C-Record...)
> They look to be forged, with hi-qual features like the
> fluting and raised platform for the pedal to thread up against.
> I have heard of Magistroni cranks stamped as Legnano; maybe
> Gnutti too?
> There are no other maker's marks on these. Anyone know who made 'em?
> There is a "61" stamped on the back of both cranks - could
> that be the year?
> I doubt the 52/40 steel chainrings in the photos are
> original. I'm interested in suggestions for what chainrings
> should be on this crank.
> It's not for sale, but if someone needs them for a Legnano
> resto, let me know and we can work out a trade. (Don't worry,
> I don't think it's especially valuable, especially in this
> rusty condition.)
> Mark Bulgier
> Seattle WA USA