Re: [CR]re: pogliaghi pista

(Example: Racing:Beryl Burton)

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From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]re: pogliaghi pista
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2007 23:20:18 -0700
To: classic rendezvous <>

On Apr 21, 2007, at 11:09 PM, c. andrews wrote:
> Sasha wrote, in part:
> Sasha writes, "Now this is a find. Late 1950s/early 1960s
> Pogliaghi Italcorse Pista, built from Reynolds 531. Down
> tube is stamped with REYNOLDS TUBING, head tube with
> POGLIAGHI ITALCORSE, seat tube with RAP in a half circle,
> seat lug with serial #6844. I have never seen (nor been able
> to find) details of a Pogliaghi similar to this one -- this
> is an extremely early bike, the Reynolds 531 decal is of the
> type used in the first half century of Reynolds' operation.
> Pretty amazing."
> *******
> Not to rain on anyone's parade, but while the numbering of
> Pogliaghis is mildly ambiguous, a frame with that serial
> number is probably no older than 1964, if that, based on the
> numbers of actual Pogliaghis whose provenance is somewhat
> known.
> While we don't know how many frames he made per year in the
> 1960s, the track tandem I own has a serial number less than
> 1000 frames away from Sasha's, and it was made in 1967 or
> 1968. At 300 frames a year at that time (a not unreasonable
> estimate, Pogliaghi was in demand then, esp. by pro track
> riders), that would put Sasha's frame in 1964.
> Also note that these frames aren't exactly undocumented.
> Frames very much in this style are pictured in a late 1960s
> Pogliaghi catalog that is reproduced on the CR site. I also
> have one, and have looked at it closely.
> A 1950s Pogliaghi would be a fun thing to find, but I
> haven't seen one yet. Sasha's bike is VERY cool, no
> question about that...but it's not that old.
> Charles Andrews
> Los Angeles

To be fair Charles, Sasha did say "late 1950s/early 1960s" and I'm sure you'd have to agree that if his pista was '64 (your estimate) that's within a hair of "early 1960s" right? <grin>

Chuck Schmidt
South Pasadena, CA