Next time or anytime, give me a call. I will be happy to help you out.
Mike Schmidt Stirling, NJ 27 mi from ground zero USA
On 5/27/07 1:18 PM, "tonythreerings@aol.com" <tonythreerings@aol.com> wrote:
> Dale and list,
> To clarify: seeing Matthew's posting about the Condor, I called the
> owner. My first 2 questions were 'is the bike still for sale?' and
> 'would you ship it to California?' He said yes to both. We chatted
> pleasantly about the bike for a while; I asked if he took Paypal
> or a credit card; he said no, send a check, and gave me his address,
> and said he would call (at my suggestion) a bike shop 2 blocks from his
> home to see the cost of packing and shipping. I offered to do a wire
> transfer on Tuesday when the banks opened, but his wife, to whom I was
> then speaking, said no, the check would be fine.
> I sent a check on Friday.
> Late last night I saw Bruce's post. I was mighty pissed. Called the
> owner this AM? and they confirmed that they decided to take the cash in
> hand (Bruce had offered $50 more than they were asking, which is what
> they'd agreed to sell to me for). I told them they were unethical, why
> didn't they call me to match the offer or get someone local to act as
> my agent, etc, even as I knew I was wasting my time--they'd sold the
> bike.
> Then I contacted Bruce to see if he'd sell. As I told him, I don't
> really blame him--he is under no obligation to protect my interests. I
> blame the seller.
> They told me they'll send my check back when they get it.
> Aaron Lipstadt
> Hollywood, CA