On May 30, 2007, at 8:46 AM, Donald Gillies wrote:
> Maybe the reason why later Cinelli workmanship was so high - in
> reality - was that maybe - just maybe - your first few attempts really
> didn't look so hot and you spent all those years playing "catchup" :
> http://ebay.com/
> (shows Cinelli Firenze stem with expander bolt and the steering column
> area was obviously cut on Monday morning after a long weekend of
> drinking, the slits have all the precision of Harry Potter's
> lightning-bolt scar on his forehead ...)
> - Don Gillies
> San Diego, CA
Shouts rider modified to me Don.
Chuck Schmidt
South Pasadena, CA USA
http://www.velo-retro.com (reprints, t-shirts & timelines)