This won't help entirely, but I'll tell you what I'm using on my Peugeot, with a Fiamme "Montreal" stem...
Cinelli 26.4mm diameter bars; no cable grooves whatsoever Left side: Star logo, and the inscription "Giro D'Iatalia" Right Side: Cinelli inscription, the first letter is the "flying C" style. Below the inscription is the style/size (i.e. 64-40)
I just realized that I must have purchased these bars after
1984, although I don't know how long they were on display in
the shop...
> Because the Star logo bars are easier to find, I've been
\r?\n> looking for any excuse to use them on my "period correct"
\r?\n> 1980s bikes. Toward that end, I've kept my eyes open for the
\r?\n> earliest date-able any photo showing star logo bars in use.
\r?\n> The earliest I have seen is from the 1985 or 1986 season.
\r?\n> The star logo bars may have been available earlier, and I'd
\r?\n> be happy to know that they were, but I don't recall seeing
\r?\n> them until the later half of the 80's.
\r?\n> Tom Dalton
\r?\n> Bethlehem, PA USA
\r?\n> Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <> wrote:
\r?\n> It would seem the "Cinelli" on both sides didn't last
\r?\n> long then, as I'm pretty sure the Star logo, still no
\r?\n> grooves, still 26.4, was already around in the early 80's,
\r?\n> probably before the 1983 CR cutoff. If the Star was
\r?\n> Champione, then the Giro bars were something different.
\r?\n> Anyone know what logo they used on the Giro's offhand?
\r?\n> Regards,
\r?\n> Jerry Moos
\r?\n> Big Spring, TX
\r?\n> Tom Dalton <> wrote:
\r?\n> The star logo on Del Mondos came after the
\r?\n> Cinelli-both-sides version. All the distasteful
\r?\n> single-groove, double-groove, and 26.0 mm stuff had the star,
\r?\n> so it was definitely later.
\r?\n> As has been discussed previously on this list, the classic
\r?\n> crest-logo stamping was replaced with the "flying C" logo at
\r?\n> the time that Columbus bought Cinelli (c. 1979). The
\r?\n> earliest of the "flying C" Del Mondos had "Cinelli" logos on
\r?\n> both sides. On one side, below the big Cinelli logo, was
\r?\n> writing that read "Champione del Mondo," and below the
\r?\n> Cinelli logo on the other side was the model and size (such
\r?\n> as 66-42). With the Cinelli-both-sides version, some had the
\r?\n> size on the left and the "Champione del Mondo" on the right,
\r?\n> and some were opposite. I suspect that this may not have
\r?\n> been random, because once the star logo came out, the size
\r?\n> was consistently on one side (drive side?). Thus, the
\r?\n> Cinelli-both-sides bars that had the size where it
\r?\n> consisently appears on the star logo version I take to be
\r?\n> newer, and where the size appear on the opposite side, I take
\r?\n> that bar to be the earliest of the flying-C bars.
\r?\n> The earliest star logo Del Mondos I recall seeing were
\r?\n> around 1985 or 1986.
\r?\n> Tom Dalton
\r?\n> Bethlehem, PA USA
\r?\n> is the
\r?\n> "intermediate" logo and I think for only one model, the Giro
\r?\n> D'Italia perhaps.
\r?\n> Other models has different "intermediate" logos. These came
\r?\n> between the
\r?\n> older classic Cinelli crest and the newer ones with just
\r?\n> "Cinelli". I
\r?\n> think these intermediate logos were used in the early 80's
\r?\n> and perhaps
\r?\n> very late 70's.
\r?\n> Regards,
\r?\n> Jerry Moos
\r?\n> Big Spring, TX
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